We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?


TOP services are complex and extensive. Despite this complexity – for each business we craft clear-cut solutions ...


An instrument and catalyst to the enablement of economic growth and sustainability, South African businesses ...

Outsourcing & Practical Business Services

Outsourcing and Practical Business Services as a means of addressing and testing ...


Our focus is to enable businesses with the relevant TOP services to operate in and to optimise their environments ...


TOP services are complex and extensive. Despite this complexity – for each business we craft clear-cut solutions. Our company’s unique, holistic, blended approach marries the appropriate skills and expertise in the marketplace – with the requirements and objectives of our business clients. The extensive experience and skill of TOP Services is also supported by the diverse skills’ set of a group of experienced business associates and consultants. Through analysis and identification of business needs, the scope of our services is carefully crafted to meet Transformation, Outsourcing and Practical business service requirements of South African businesses – regardless of their size. Our expert solutions are value-based and we only deliver effective, competent business practices.​


An instrument and catalyst to the enablement of economic growth and sustainability, South African businesses are key contributors and critical role players in driving effective and meaningful Transformation. 

Our core business focus is on Transformation Strategy Development, Execution Management, Programme Design, Governance and Compliance, Specialising in the ICT sector and with Multinational IT businesses. 

Outsourcing and Practical Business Services

Outsourcing and Practical Business Services as a means of addressing and testing the viability of possible business opportunities and at improving business processes and increasing business efficiencies, a progressive, efficient and cost saving way of doing business. Through the analysis and identification of our customer’s business and needs, TOP Services may offer suitable Outsourcing and Practical Business Services. Examples of these services include: Business Development, Project Management, Educational and Training Services, Basic Administration Services.



Our focus is to enable businesses with the relevant TOP services to operate in and to optimise their environments. Clients are given the crucial space and time they need to continue operating their businesses, while we take care of their requirements by offering carefully considered, customised and strategic services and solutions. These will ensure that the businesses concerned are compliant with transformation requirements and that they become and remain successful in the highly competitive contemporary business landscape in South Africa.